Tasting the espresso

What’s espresso? Espresso is an Italian way of making coffee in highly concentrated shots. A single espresso shot is 1 ounce, and a double shot is 2 ounces. Espresso can be sipped in small cups, or used as the base for popular espresso drinks.

Espresso is an Italian way of making coffee in highly concentrated shots. A single espresso shot is 1 ounce, and a double shot is 2 ounces. Espresso can be sipped in small cups, or used as the base for popular espresso drinks like the Americano, latte, cappuccino, and more. To make espresso, water is forced through finely ground coffee beans at very high pressure. A espresso shot has crema on top: a light brown foam that adds a rich flavor and frothy texture..

Coffee table Alignment

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JetCoffeepack Tiled Gallery

Unordered List

  • Espresso machine.
  • Portable espresso maker
  • French press
  • Moka pot
  • Aeropress

Ordered List

  1. Grind the coffee.
  2. Pack and tamp the coffee grounds.
  3. Pull the shot.

Consider any adjustments

It takes a while to dial in the fineness of the coffee grind and amount of coffee to use: practice makes perfect! If the shot is watery, use slightly more coffee grounds or a finer grind on the coffee. If a shot takes longer than 30 seconds, reduce the amount of coffee grounds or use a coarser grind on the coffee.

Head up 1

Use espresso roast coffee, about 9 grams for a single espresso shot and 18 grams for a double shot. Grind the coffee until it’s very fine ground. Different roasts and brands of beans will require a different grind for your machine. You may need to do a few test runs to get it dialed in just right..

Head up 2

Add the coffee grounds to the espresso basket (portafilter) until it’s slightly heaping over the top. Use the tamper to press the grounds evenly into the portafilter, pressing very firmly until it is fully compressed. Place the portafilter on a folded towel before tamping, or the best tool is a knock box for tamping and discarding used grounds. It’s important for the coffee grounds to be as even and straight as possible to get the best espresso shot.

Head up 3

Place the portafilter in the espresso machine and press the button to pull the shot. Most home espresso machines have an automatic option for this. A well-pulled espresso shot will last around 25 to 30 seconds and have deep espresso flavor with a nice foamy crema.

Head up 4

Here’s the Breville espresso machine we use: it works wonderfully and makes the best espresso we’ve had outside of Italy. It’s even better than many coffeeshops, in our opinion! It’s pricey, but worth it for coffee nerds.

Head up 5. Product recommendation

Here’s the Breville espresso machine we use: it works wonderfully and makes the best espresso we’ve had outside of Italy. It’s even better than many coffeeshops, in our opinion! It’s pricey, but worth it for coffee nerds.

Head up 6

Make sure to get a knock box to use with your espresso machine. It’s helpful for tamping and discarding the used coffee grounds.


  1. Mauris ultricies, odio a ultricies blandit, lorem mauris tincidunt tortor, et aliquet enim neque quis turpis. Nunc neque diam, porta ac, accumsan ut, tristique in, nibh. Ut ac justo sit amet dolor ornare cursus.

    • Integer pretium enim a lectus. Sed mi. In neque. Suspendisse suscipit ipsum in ligula. Integer aliquam rutrum ante. Pellentesque ligula. Duis mauris. Nunc volutpat mi non lorem. Cras eros. Vestibulum vel nisi. Aenean nec nibh sed orci imperdiet tempor.

    • Suspendisse non dolor at augue consectetur dictum. Aliquam arcu mauris, commodo sed, ultricies elementum, lacinia a, nisl.

      • Duis molestie quam vehicula dui. Donec nec ligula. Nullam turpis mauris, mollis ut, semper non, imperdiet vitae, nunc. Suspendisse diam diam, rhoncus in, imperdiet eget, iaculis nec, nibh. Proin commodo risus quis velit. Nam sodales massa ut ipsum. Curabitur ipsum.

  2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eros libero, condimentum ut, facilisis non, pellentesque ut, enim. Duis tortor. Proin a quam. Phasellus pellentesque volutpat felis. Nulla facilisi. Cras sed sem at neque dapibus ultricies. Aliquam placerat pellentesque metus. Morbi ac dui non nibh pretium lacinia. Curabitur vitae elit quis tellus tincidunt aliquet. Aliquam id ligula vel eros lobortis interdum. Aliquam in mauris. Etiam et turpis. Donec faucibus vulputate arcu.

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